Monday, January 8, 2007

The story so far...

Here is the outline of my movie so far, so you can see what is happening on the screen...I'll post the latest edit (draft 3) in the next post.

Rock Ya – The World Tour

We open with our heroes, Hiraku and Takashi, driving along in their hot rod. They come to a level crossing, and wait while the gates go down. Suddenly, a Kombi rushes across the trakcs in front of them, being chased by a train. “Help, help – I’m being chased by a train!”, the Kombi calls out.

Then, you hear train whistle sounds and a huge steam train rushes across, tooting its whistle. Then the gates go up, Hiraku and Takashi drive across the tracks and swerve into the street where they live. Their house is being guarded by Bionicles, who lift up their weapons, to let the car drive thru. The garage door opens to let them in. Smoke fills the screen, then the car lifts up, Hiraku presses a button, and Hiraku and Takashi are catapulted into a tunnel.

Then, they go onto their couch, which is upside-down at the top of the tunnel, and then they are swung on a catapult arm backwards into their living room. They get their suitcases, are catapulted back into the car, then – this is funny – they rev up their engine and drive through the back wall of the garage! This is because they need to get to the airstrip, which is in their backyard, and they realise they don’t have a back door on their garage, so they need to drive through!

A lot of dust comes up when the whole wall collapses, and one of the Bionicle guards runs away screaming, “I’m outta here! Ahhhh!”.

1 comment:

remtheblogger said...

Hey Ollie,

I hope you'll have the next shoot sequence worked out and the set built so that you can film some more tomorrow morning. I can't wait for the next bit.